Artistic research project; print publication, multi media installation, audiovisual abstract (2019)

Forensics of Imagination is an explorative practice, a research method for the understanding and interpretation of phenomena, encounters and objects—as well as their probable and potential connections. It seeks to subvert dominant narratives by considering any trace a meaningful evidence of something. Forensics of Imagination aims to interrogate the production of representations of truth.

Parts of Forensics of Imagination can be found here. It encompasses its audiovisual abstract (below), “Notes from the Unreal” and “Exhibits of Ephemeral Evidence” print publications, parafictional existential detective bureau Inverted Eye Co. (new window) as well as the installation work Ephemeral Evidence (next page).

Forensics of Imagination is an artistic research project developed in the context of the Master of Film programme in artistic research in and through cinema at Netherlands Film Academy 2017-19.


Ephemeral Evidence


No Balance Palace